Start the export at 00:59:50:00 for 10 seconds of preroll. Picture starts at 1:00:00:00
Include head pop at 00:59:58:00 and tail pop 2 seconds after the last frame of picture
Video formats: Pro Res 422 LT, Pro Res Proxy, Avid DNxHD or H264.
Include your rough audio mix when exporting video. It will be our reference track
Include window burn with timecode and video identifier, placed in a top corner of the frame.
The video identifier should look like this:
Film Name_Reel(if applicable)_Version_Date(month date year)
2-Pop: Include a single frame tone that lines up with your video head and tail pop
Organize your audio tracks:
Dialogue A – Formal Interviews
Dialogue B – Informal Dialogue
PFX – Non dialogue sounds from production (ambience, vehicles, etc)
PIX – Sound FX added by the picture department
Music – Score
DO NOT cut lav and boom together on the same track. Different microphones always need to be on their own track in a consistent fashion.
Make sure to include ALL mic options (Boom, Lav, Camera).
Disabled clips will not come through in your delivery. Be sure that we wont need those as an option.
Nested sequences need to be un-nested.
Here are some extra settings to look at directly from Adobe for a Premiere AAF export:
Include separate audio folders for the following:
Room tones
Wild Lines
Best practice = duplicate the project. In duplicated sequence, unlink and remove the video files, then export aaf
Our preferred export from Premiere is an AAF. Here are the options to choose:
Breakout to Mono
48khz Sample Rate
24 Bit
Separate Audio
Wav Format
Trim Audio Files to 720 frames (30 Seconds)
An OMF can also work but AAF is preferred.
Breakout to Mono
48khz Sample Rate
24 Bit
Separate Audio
Wav Format
Trim Audio Files to 720 frames (30 Seconds)
OPTIONAL - Include an EDL file with your delivery.
This will be extraordinarily helpful if there are any picture edits after we begin our sound work. Here is a page of information about how to prepare your EDL file: http://thecargocult.nz/letterToEd.shtml
Preferred delivery methods are: USB 3 bus-powered drive, Dropbox or Media Shuttle. Please do not deliver via Google Drive. Hard drives can be dropped off at our front desk: 2600 Tenth Street Suite 312, Berkeley CA 94710. Other arrangements can be made if needed.
We are always here to help. Please call if you’d like any assistance.